The Wishing Well Tourist Home
The Wishing Well Tourist Home building was originally Ruby Lee Minor's Real Estate Office she had built in 1927. From this office she sold off the lots in section one and section two of Greenway Downs. She choose to build her office on lot no. 43 in section one.
- Article about Ruby Lee Minor's Greenway Downs Office (includes picture) source: Washington Post, July 10, 1927 (pdf version)
The depression put Ruby Lee Minor out of business and by the early 1940's her real estate office had become the Wishing Well Tourist Home, owned and operated by Margaret and Harry C. Tubbs.
Margaret and Harry bought this property from G. E. Eakin in 1936 (Fairfax County Deed Book H-12, p. 354) and sold it to Earl and Lois Wilson in 1946. (Fairfax County Deed Book 484, p. 291)
When Lee Highway was widened in the 1970's the wishing well pictured in both the 1927 and 1940's photos was destroyed.
- Picture of the building in 1927 compared to 1940's